Friday, February 03, 2012

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #68

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939

Be sure to stop by Wife of a Sailor who is the genius behind this weekly adventure, visit her blog and join in the fun!

1. What is your favorite winter memory?
I went to high school in Idaho and had the pleasure of taking Driver's Ed in the middle of a really bad winter. At times it was scary driving through literal tunnels of snow but most of the time, myself and my classmates in my group had so much fun going out and driving and torturing our driver's ed teacher!

2. What is your current favorite TV show?
This is a hard question because I don't watch much TV and I don't really watch anything that I fret over missing. I suppose Grey's Anatomy.

3. What was your favorite thing that happened in January?
Watching my youngest son place first for the first time ever at a wrestling tournament, he was ECSTATIC!

4. What is the best sound in the world to you?
My boys laughing together (seriously, I am almost crying just thinking about it!)

5. What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a MilSpouse (or significant other)?
Flexibility and patience! I believe the two go together. This lifestyle is unpredictable and we have ourselves set with too many expectations and are unwilling to be flexible, we can find ourselves experiencing a lot of disappointment!


To the Nth said...

You're absolutely right about flexibility and patience going hand in hand. I could always do with a boost in both, but I hope I'm slowly improving.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the noise of belly busting laughs echoing through our house because it means that they aren't fighting, right? My husband is from Idaho too!