Well our day has come. We said goodbye to our Soldier today. There were a lot of deep breaths and tears. We hung around his battalion area for about 4 hours before we had to bid our farewell. It sucks, that's the best way I can explain it. Just trying to soak in every last minute. It couldn't be about anyone else at that moment, just us. I held it together pretty good, until those ugly white buses showed up. I hate those buses.
I never know what to say to my kids when they are crying so hard they can't catch their breath. I remember last time, people trying to hold back the tears and sucking it up. This time people cried freely. I shed my tears, took a deep breath, grabbed my children by their hands and walked to our truck. As I sat in the driver's seat, tears streaming a Soldier walked by, tilted his head, shot me a shy smile and said..."it'll be ok".
It never gets easier but at least we're started on our journey. Only 461 days and a wake up to go!
Just a few pics to share...

"Promoting" my husband. He will be promoted in Iraq but he wanted me to be the first one to put the new rank on.

We were already emotional...

Saying goodbye to his baby girl Sapper

Going to drop his bags...

Not really as happy as we look.

Loving my Soldier

Daddy and his boys

Me and my Soldier

God Speed my love...

We'll be praying for your husband and the rest of your family while he's gone. It's a tough life. God bless!
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