Friday, July 02, 2010

30 Days of Us - Day 27

Your month, in great detail...

Wow...let's see...

2 June I turned 34...that's about date specific as I'm going to get on this...

During the rest of the month Kevin and I volunteered at the USO both on Thursdays and some other random days when needed. On the 5th of June, I volunteered at the USO for the annual Bike Run which was cool. Michael's best friend flew in for 2 weeks, they had a blast. I volunteered a lot at AFTB as I officially took over as Volunteer Program Manager. I taught the lesson in Relief Society (our church's women's program). I attended our monthly unit coffee. I briefed a graduating Engineer Career Course about FRG's. I attended the FRG leader course...again (but now I've been asked to help teach it). Kevin and I went to the farewell of our Brigade Commander and his wife. Luckily she is staying so I don't have to say goodbye just yet. The kids and I had various doctor appointments. Daniel, Michael, Neil and myself all attended Cub Scout Day Camp. The boys went swimming to get ready for Boy Scout Camp. Kevin and the two older boys attended Boy Scout Camp. Kevin attended a Mass Casualty course for his job.

I think that sums up our month in decent detail!

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