Michael did a great job with his service project collecting beanie babies. His final total was 1818 (I posted 1768 originally but didn't add in ones we have already sent and then found a few extra strays hanging around). This project grew far bigger then we imagined and we thank so many of you for contributing and helping him. I know we have great friends but your generosity and support was humbling! Now I'm off to the post office (my back already hurts, lol).
Thanks again!!
I feel really bad that I never got the ones I have mailed off to you. Maybe you should have asked for donations for postage too! That's A LOT of beanie babies to be sending over seas! Thanks for raising boys that want to make our world a better place.
GREAT JOB!!! Way to go!
Awww thats great congrats Michael.
Dang...I forgot to give you the other bag on Sunday....I had a bunch more....
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