Thursday, August 01, 2013

362 Days DONE

 Take that Korea Tour!  We are DONE!  I thought this day would NEVER come.  Seriously, this separation was hard in so many ways but we survived!  The boys and I were excited to head to the airport to pick up our Soldier.  I think we were all a little nervous, excited, know all those emotions that flutter through your body at the same time.  One thing for certain though, we were READY to be reunited and not have to look over our shoulders constantly waiting to send him back.

We barely got to the airport on time because he told us his plane was arriving almost 40 minutes later than it actually did.  We took advantage of driving to the "big" city to get the boys some school shoes and were only in the mall for about 20 minutes but had we lingered even a few minutes longer we would have missed Kevin walking down the security ramp.

The boys were all about making signs but then got a bit self-conscious when we got to the airport and they realized that it was slightly different than standing with hundreds of other families on a field or in a gym on post.  Michael didn't care and once they saw their dad, the other boys didn't care either.  Kevin started crying as soon as he saw us which made people watching us start to cry.  I guess they were confused until they read the signs the boys had because Kevin wasn't in uniform. 

It felt so good to be together again.  Now I just have to remember that homecoming is an event and reintegration is a process!  Happy Days for now...The Albrecht Squad is reunited!!!

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