Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy 238th Birthday, US Army!

Today is the U.S. Army's 238th birthday.  It's crazy to think that I have been a part of the Army's Family for almost 20 years.  It was 20 years ago next month that I joined the Idaho Army National Guard and began my journey in this Military Life.  When I was seven, I met a female Soldier and decided that is what I wanted to do when I was all grown-up.  When I turned 17, I walked into the Recruiting station and I've never looked back.

I always thought I'd serve in the Army for 20-30 years, that was the plan.  Obviously, that was not what happened, I served 11. It took me years to realize that my time as a Soldier was simply a stepping stone for what would be my destiny as an Army wife.  I didn't always appreciate that role but I do now know that is what the Lord had planned for me.  This chapter of my life has been a marvelous experience and I have been blessed time and time again with life changing opportunities that I could have only had being a part of the Army.

I have experienced the good, bad and ugly and feel grateful for every one of those moments.  The Army has given me love, confidence, family, patience, knowledge and so much more.  I have met some of the most amazing people who will forever be a part of my family.

Our time as an active duty Army family is slowly coming to an end.  That thought can be overwhelming at times but the reality is, that chapter must end and we must move forward onto whatever the Lord has in store for us next.  It's time to hand over the care to the next generation and to let them experience what we have.

I love the Army, my life has been richly blessed as a result of the oath I took almost 20 years ago.  I am proud to be a part of the legacy that has been protected by so many valiant men and women.

Thank you, Army, for helping me become the person I am today and giving me not only my immediate family but an extended family who will forever understand the pride I feel inside when I hear things like reveille and retreat or who's eyes tear up too when we hear our beloved National Anthem.  Thank you for being a constant reminder as to what is important in life and for teaching me what it means to walk among heroes.  Thank you for teaching me a level of patriotism that cannot be described in words.

Happy Birthday, U.S. Army...I don't have a gift for you but I'm grateful for all that you have given me.

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