Monday, August 15, 2011

I Heart My Kindle!

This entry is a public apology to my loving husband who went out of his way to get me a really nice gift this past Christmas. He really put a lot of thought into my gift and wrote me a really sweet note. I however, was a brat and did not appreciate his gift. He even gave me the option to send it back because he could tell I was clearly not happy. I just couldn't do that though.

Because I enjoy reading, he thought that a Kindle would be an awesome gift, then I could take it with me wherever I went and he even got me the 3G-wifi edition.

I had never been interested in any kind of e-reader. I really enjoy the feeling of a book, the flipping of the page. I don't know, having an e-reader just wasn't an exciting concept for me. As I said before, I was not overly enthused with this gift and I told him. I felt at the time it was a big expense for something I didn't want. I admit I didn't really give it a chance. I downloaded a few books and tried reading them but at first the places I took it with me, were dark and I didn't have a light. That discouraged me because I thought to myself, now I have to buy more accessories! Then when I had it with me once, I went to read it and the battery was dead...yet another excuse not to like it. I left my kindle in it's little case and ignored it for quite a few months.

Well, that all changed the other day. Everyone had been talking about how much they were enjoying the book "The Help"! Some of my friends asked me if I would read it along with them. I decided I needed to read this book and figured I might as well download to the Kindle. I realized immediately how convenient that was! Since then, I have downloaded and read quite a few more books and I have loved the convenience of the kindle. I slip it in my purse and take it with me everywhere. I had it while the boys were at the dentist (they were all cavity free!), at the eye doctor (dang contacts are expensive!) and even at Sonic while waiting for my drink! I love that it's not bulky, that I don't have pages to flip and that I can even have some of the books read to me. I uploaded some of my music to it and can listen to music as I read. And to keep it charged, I just plug it in when I plug in my cell phone at night, too easy!

I feel bad for not having given my Kindle a chance and for being such a brat to my husband. I'm glad he still loves me even when I'm ungrateful.

Baby, I just want to say I love my Kindle and I love you for knowing me better than I know myself.


Unknown said...

What color do you have? I'm considering getting one and I'm not sure...

Paula said...

I love mine too! I was surprised when Nick gave it to me for my birthday because I too, had not decided I would like it and didn't know if I wanted one. I had surgery the next day and I've been reading the kindle ever since. I love the ease of downloading books, the fact that they are cheaper than a new hardback and everything else you said!
I love it so much that I'm hesitant to go to the library now and get a "free" book and that's just wrong.
The only downfall.. I can't share my books. I would love to be able to transfer it to another device for someone else, but can't.

Unknown said...

I was unsure of the kindle at first too. My has one and I used it while I was visiting last year. I decided that I like it and so my parents got me one for Christmas. I love it! I use it mostly for the free books I get from Amazon but I have bought a few as well:)

Jlynne Partridge said...

I bought mine for myself this tax season and i absolutely love it. I have the 3G one as well and its nice to be able to get books no matter where i am at. I always used to carry a book around with me because i never knew when i would have time to sit and read so this is much more convient.