Where did the summer go? I mean seriously, I swear the boys just got out of school and now they have to go back? I'm grateful for the adventures they got to participate in this year but as anyone who has been reading my blog for a few years knows, I do not like sending my kids back to school. I am always so sad. I just love hanging out with my boys. I think they were ready to go back to school. You know kids, they are always in denial but you can tell that they are no longer enjoying each others company and they bicker a little more. The weather was so hot for a while they couldn't really enjoy being outside and they aren't big gamers so being inside wasn't a thrill either. They were ready even if mom wasn't.
The report from all three boys was that school was "okay". Michael and Neil said the first day is always kind of boring because it's all the reviews and such. Daniel is very excited about his teacher who happens to enjoy doing LOTS of science experiments. I just realized that all three of my boys have now had male teachers for 5th grade.
I got up this morning and made them each breakfast. I kept it simple, making them eggs in a toast. I like to add a little extra special love by cutting the center out with a heart cookie cutter. Kevin also called each of the boys this morning to wish them a great day at school. (Someday he will be home for the first day of school!)

Each of the boys heads out at different times so I made it three times but it is so worth it, I love making my boys feel special. After I dropped Daniel off, I spent the day teaching Army Family Team Building classes. We had some great students in our class which was really nice because it helped keep my mind off of missing my boys so much. I rushed home so I could see them right as they got home from school. I just love those moments and am so grateful to be able to do that. The first day is always the hardest and then we quickly fall into a routine. I know they will all three have a wonderful year. I also know they will be keeping us pretty busy chauffeuring them around. Michael has Marching band (see picture below), and both Neil & Daniel will be playing football. All three will continue to work on their Scouting requirements and as a family we will continue to do service throughout our community. This is going to be a great 2011-2012 school year!

Earlier this evening, we had our annual "Meet the Tigers" Football Scrimmage at the football field. The Marching Band gets to show off what they worked on during band camp and we get to see the first glimpse of their competition piece. Michael is in the "PIT" again as part of the percussion. I seriously get tired watching him during the different pieces because he walks all around playing the different percussion instruments. I put together a collage of just the majority of what he played today. I am so impressed and so proud of him! You can click the picture to make it bigger!
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