Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday School Funnies

After quite a few years of serving in different callings in our church, we are able to attend Sunday School. I have to say for a while I was pretty nervous about going in there because I don't consider myself a very good scriptorian (is that a word?) Well after 3 weeks, I have to say I am quite enjoying it. I really enjoy the good laughs I get in there. We always have good discussion and I learn a lot but we always get a good giggle out of one comment. I thought I'd start sharing them and hopefully provide you all with a giggle too.

Week One:

We were discussing how we answer questions about the gospel. The teacher was giving the example of a child asking why the sky is blue to which one of the elderly gentlemen in the class responded "Because Heavenly Father loves the Infantry!" (gotta love being in a military ward).

Week Two:

We were discussing about how 1/3 of Heavenly Father's children followed Satan therefore not receiving a mortal body. As the discussion went on, the teacher shared her thoughts about how she thinks that not all of the 2/3's who followed our Savior were 100% on board with His plan but followed anyway. She said, maybe they didn't really care so much. One of the men in the room asked, "Are those who weren't 100% on board the Democrats?"

Week Three:

Today after reading quite a lengthy set of verses, the teacher called on one of the men sitting in the front to tell us all what they meant..the man looked up and said "oh, I wasn't listening".

Just some random funnies...


John, Heather, Emma, Lily & Jana said...

Loved the infantry comment! Great blog!

Wolfley Family said...

LOL! Is it bad that the democrat comment made me laugh the hardest? :))

Christy said...

ROFL! I LOVE the democrat answer! hehe!!