Saturday, November 22, 2008

Competition Day

What a day! Our day started off at 0430 waking up and getting Neil ready to head off to his Robotics competition in Austin. They were to meet at the school by 0530 to get there by 0730. It was going to be a loooooong day for them. All their hard work paid off and they have advanced to the next round! YAY Clear Creek Cyber Tigers!!! I am so proud of these kids because they worked so hard and did so well!!! (Mr T, you better share some pics, preferably this year!!!)

Also going on today was a Chess Tournament that Daniel participated in. If you have not been to a Chess Tournament, let me tell you how INTENSE it can be. I usually let Kevin go on these adventures but obviously that couldn't happen, so I went after my Volleyball Tournament. Daniel had a great time and placed 4th, which isn't bad. It was not the best day as far as sportsmanship for a lot of players and parents because there was cheating and undermining happening but thankfully Daniel didn't really see much of that. It makes me really upset when parents go to such extremes as to signal their 1st graders on what move to make. If they can't play on their own they shouldn't be at the tournament. But enough about that unfortunate scene, because our Clear Creek Kings took 1st Place in the K-3 category...CHECK MATE!!!

I also took the time today to participate in our Stake Volleyball tournament. I was rather sluggish as I've been so tired running around but we still managed to place 2nd, so go K3!

Only Michael didn't participate in anything competitive today (he was supposed to be on a campout for Scouts but that got cancelled). Instead he hung out with Daniel at the chess tournament until I got back there. If you count nail biting as a competition Michael surely won because he was pretty high strung watching Daniel play, it was cute!

And even our beloved Soldier had a scoring event going on today. He had a PT test and I'm sure he rocked it! We love you baby!!

*Pics are from my camera phone so quality is not good*

Trying to figure out a move (the little girl he is playing came in 1st but Daniel gave her a good match, she didn't win it easily!)
I wish this picture was clearer, watching Michael was so funny, he was really into it but trying to keep control.
Making a move.1st Place Team...woohoo, go Kings!

Wore out, not even in the car for 5 minutes, lol
Neil knocked out after a very long day!!!Yeah, yeah, so it was a long day for mom too (thanks Daniel for the pic!!)

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