Maybe I'm bored, but honestly if you look at my calendar, who has time to be bored?!? And I love everything that I'm involved in (maybe I don't like everyone I'm involved with, but I like the activities).
Yesterday, a girl who doesn't know me, told me I needed to grow a backbone. Hmmmm, really? Me???? I'll take that into consideration.
As of today we have 363 days to go until Kevin comes home!! Woohoo! Only about 179 before he may get to come home for his little 18 day break. Gosh, that is so far away...blah!
I'm tired.
And I miss my love♥

Wow you No backbone? That chick must have one stiff back.
You? Grow a backbone? Are you sure that she was talking to you? You have an amazingly amazing backbone. I couldn't imagine saying that to you.....
Plus the thought of you on the warpath scares me a after this incident...2007/12/long-frustrating-day
Yup. You definetely have plenty of backbone./
Hmmm, you scare me, maybe she should be scared also.
Me too on the tired and missing the hubby. I don't like to think about how many days to go, it just depresses me.
Becky, I didn't mean to scare you,
I'll work on being less scary!!
I've been told in the past that I am heartless, now I'm spineless...if I keep going like this I'll lose all bodyparts!!!
Wow.... I agree here... You of all people.. no backbone???? Did you smack her up side the head with your back bone?? oops... did I say that out loud....
Sorry your tired and missing your hubby hun... hugs and prayers of comfort and peace your way!!!
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