"Often those who struggle with adversity ask the question “Why did this happen to me?” They spend sleepless nights wondering why they feel so lonely, sick, discouraged, oppressed, or brokenhearted.
The question “Why me?” can be a difficult one to answer and often leads to frustration and despair. There is a better question to ask ourselves. That question is “What could I learn from this experience?”
The way we answer that question may determine the quality of our lives not only on this earth but also in the eternities to come. Though our trials are diverse, there is one thing the Lord expects of us no matter our difficulties and sorrows: He expects us to press on."
Sometimes it's hard to live by these words, especially when we feel that people have done us wrong. That is how I feel today and I won't go into to details but my heart was hurt today...deeply. I can't quite wrap my brain around the situation at hand all I can do is find charity in my heart and put it into action.
I'm going to try hard to apply the following words that I read today to press on.
Most of us feel frustrated or impatient at times. But when we express those feelings by becoming angry with someone, we offend the Spirit and invite bitterness into our hearts. As we strive to come unto Christ and to perfect ourselves, we should ask ourselves not “What is fair?” but, humbly, “What would Jesus have me do?”
The Savior endured great persecution. We read that “they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men.” (1 Ne. 19:9.) His response to those who crucified him was simply “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34.)
Although most of us don’t have to deal with persecution, we are often “provoked” by small things. Rudeness, nagging, disobedience, waiting, disagreements, disappointment, and unfulfilled expectations can irritate us, particularly when we are tired, sick, or in a hurry.
At such times, our first impulse may be to react with irritation, anger, or contention. But we can choose to react instead with charity and not be “easily provoked.” (Moro. 7:45.) We can turn the other cheek (see Matt. 5:38–39) and respond with patience and kindness.
How do we develop a spirit of charity that keeps us from being provoked? One approach is to concentrate on ways to control our anger or impatience. Taking a deep breath and stopping to think for a moment before speaking sometimes helps. Getting in the habit of asking ourselves what Jesus would have us do in a given situation can also help defuse anger and frustration.
For those who have a persistent problem with impatience and anger, fervent prayer can be a powerful help in overcoming the tendency to be provoked. Repentance, too, has a healing effect on a wounded spirit, and returning good for evil drains the heart of anger.
By learning to avoid contention and to control our anger, we stop evil from being passed along and become more like the Savior, whose sacrifice of self made eternal life possible for all who come unto him and emulate his example.
1 comment:
and what you've just described is called casting your burden to the Lord. Love yah!!
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