Yesterday at the younger boy's school they had their "fall" parties. I was the VERY nice mom who made brownies at 6:30 a.m. because a certain little boy (Neil) forgot to mention that was what he was asked to bring. Daniel, who had been sick suddenly had a miraculous recovery and was able to take in the bag of candy he was required to take...thank you Halloween!! Anyway, when Neil got home from school, I asked him if he had any leftovers from his party and he said, "yup, want some?" The pic below is what he offered me. I suddenly had thoughts of feeding times in "Charlotte's Web". Maybe I'll send out a prize if someone can name every single item in that container!
Awww that was sweet of him. Everything in that container is yummy.
Okay so the cheese, and chocolate together have me gagging. can't look anymore, must avert eyes....
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