Tuesday, April 08, 2008

RaNdOm Pics

Finally downloaded what was on my camera and here are the results, lol

Michael receiving his Second Class Rank for Boy Scouts
The kids not playing very nicely on the trampoline, they didn't know I was watching.
The least favorite chore in our house...folding laundry.
Yeah..focus on what??? This is our new battalion t-shirt..wondering about the thought process here...
Our sweet Sapper and her toys...

Men and their Grill..that's a lot of meat boys...

This is how I find Daniel quite often (well when the basket is empty anyway). He has claimed this basket as his own special seat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE the pics. Um, yes I hate swimming in laundry - BUT - at least it is clean!!! They looked really motivated. As for the FOCUS shirt... THAT IS FLIPP'N FUNNY. ROFL V-neck styles would have made the message TOO obvious. Oh well, I guess in life you have to learn to focus on one thing or another. ;)