Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mama Got a New Ride!

That sounds all like I got some really fancy new wheels but I didn't.  When we found out Kevin was on orders to Korea and was going to be leaving this fall, I wanted two things to be done before he flew out.  One was that we get a new vehicle.  I love our Durango but it's a 98 and while it doesn't require work monthly, it does require work every few months.  I just didn't want to deal with that, so I wanted a new (or new to us) vehicle.  The other is that our oldest son gets his drivers license so he can at least get himself from point A to point B leaving me free to get the other two boys from their activities.

Today was the day!  We went and got our new vehicle.  I wanted something simple but practical.  We didn't get all the bells and whistles, we got a base model Ford Explorer and while it doesn't look as big as the Durango, I love it!  I have never owned a brand new car, I felt very dignified driving it home.

I'm excited about the new car and excited about having a vehicle to depend on.

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