I was really feeling the love when I received this award three times! Really, receiving an award makes you feel pretty special. So thank you to my sweet friend Heidi at Empty Nest, PCS, and All the Rest and Patty at Bullocks with Butterflie Wings! Then Matt at Wheelin' Knuckles (who I care about just as much as my own boys) gave me one too. Really, I'm feelin' all the love.

The Rules:
1. Thank the person you received the award from.
2. Name 10 things that make you happy.
3. Share the love and contact the lucky winners!
10 things that make me happy are…
1. My Sexy Soldier...because he loves me unconditionally and makes Sonic ice runs for me!
2. My boys, they are loving, funny, giggly, stinky and FUN!
3. The Army, even with the challenges that come with this lifestyle, the rewards are far greater!
4. My real friends, the number may not be large but the quality supersedes the quantity!
5. The Internet, it keeps me connected with my friends all over the world (thank you Army life) and let's me meet new amazing people through social networking!
6. Pink Lemonade Jolly Rancher Lollipops
7. Sonic ice
8. Cooking and baking for my friends and family
9. Zoe and Sapper my crazy, spoiled dogs!
10. My blog, it's a great way to vent, express and share.
10 blogs that make me happy…
Marla at Fair Winds & Following Seas, because even though she doesn't update her blog often, when she does, she either cracks me up or makes me think!
Tanya at Red Rusty Rooster. We know each other in real life and had to endure a lot together. We chat for hours on the phone and we get one another. She just started her crafty little blog and I wish she would update it because I'm tired of looking at those ugly gold birds! Love you T!
Emily at Martha Shmartha. While I'm not really into crafting, but reading her blog makes me believe that I can. I have "known" Emily for years and she's just a great person overall.
Heather at Mission Moris' Down Under. What can I say, Heather and I too have endured a lot together and I love reading her adventures as an Army family on assignment in Australia. Besides the fact that she has the most adorable little girls EVER!
Aimee at My Photo Blog or Aimee 365. First of all, she has the cutest kids! Secondly, she's an Army wife who gets me. Aimee...there's always an extra place set at the table just for you!
Airmom Mom at Airmom Mom. Since stumbling across her blog a few months ago, I have really enjoyed reading her thoughts. The perspective of a Blue Star mom is different than a Blue Star Wife and I appreciate reading what she shares. I also admire her and her son's sacrifices for our freedom.
And I know that these blogs have received awards or gave me the award but I HAVE to mention them anyway.
My girl Erica at Hellcat Betty, I mean what can I say...she says it like it is. She's real and we spend way too much time cracking up together but also nodding and saying that we understand the not so funny things.
Matt, what can I say...this boy owns a place in my heart. If you haven't been to his blog to read his perspective on being an Army Brat, well you're just missing out, that's all I have to say.
I know Heidi gave me this award but I would be remiss if not to mention what this girl means to me in the short time we have "known" each other. Being one of the more "seasoned" wives, she gets a lot of things that make me crazy in the Military world. And she also gets things outside the Military world. One day Heidi, we're gonna meet and the world won't know what to do with us together!
So I only got 9, but oh well...
Thank you Nadine, you are a sweetheart and yes, someday we are going to meet in person and "look out" is all I can say about that"..feeling the love in return..Heidi
Wow, Nadine! Thank you so much! I'm so honored that you thought of me. THANKS!
Aww thanks Nay for listing me. :) I'm glad I"m not the only who laughs at me ;) lol. I love you, can't wait to one day meet you face to face!!
WOW!! I am so happy for your sweet words. Thanks for thinking of my little blog. I love our friendship and I am truley blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you for this kind gesture of thinking of me for this award! I enjoy reading your blog; for I can't imagine being a Military Wife...your insights take me to a different world. Please continue blogging, I will continue reading!!!
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