Thursday, April 01, 2010

Court of Honor, Spring 2010

Last night was our first Court of Honor with Kevin as the Scoutmaster. It went so well! I was so proud of him (when I wasn't being too bossy...I know, I know..I'm working on it!). It's been a challenge of sorts for him to step into this role. He is working so hard to get things going and to hopefully share our enthusiasm and love for Scouting.

Last night we had a spaghetti dinner along with the Court of Honor. We feel bad because communication seems to be an issue here. Some people didn't come until the regularly scheduled time for Scouts and thus missed dinner. Kevin still did a great job making each child feel special.

I know that as time goes on, things will be great! We hope that the other parents and Scouts will stick with us during the growing pains. Communication is key and we know we need to work on that.

Last night was great and we are so proud of our boys for their hard work. Michael received his Life rank. Neil is now a First Class Scout. Both are doing so well and looking forward to opportunities that await them. Michael is starting to work on his Eagle Scout project, he is excited about it.

I try not to post pics of other people's kids on our blog so here are just a few of our own kids and the awesome cake that a very talented couple at church made. They are AMAZING!

Michael receiving his life
After receiving his First Class, it's awesome that his dad is the Scoutmaster
My love, the Scoutmaster
Our Amazing old school Scout cake..and it was so YUMMY!

1 comment:

USMCWIFE said...

Ok so here I am feeling like such a terrible blog wrapped up in my own life that I totally forgot to ask you about this great night. I had it all in my head to ask you to tell me all about what this event meant to you and the family..sorry I will do better.
Good job to the kids and my dear are a lucky girl.